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The Projects button opens the Projects panel, which displays all projects that are currently open along with their constituent documents. The command can be accessed from any editor by choosing View | System | Projects.
When you open an existing project or create a new one, its entry will appear in the panel. Any existing documents that are part of a project (and any new ones that have been added) will appear under sub-folders according to their purpose and/or type. For example, the following common folders and content document types can appear under a project:
Along with allowing multiple documents to be open for editing, multiple projects can be open at the same time. These could be related or unrelated projects.
Documents in the Projects panel are automatically arranged in logical groups or 'folders', such as Source Documents and Settings documents. The documents within each folder group are displayed by default in the order they were added but can be dragged and dropped to a new order position within the group.
In the case of a new hierarchical design, the parent-child relationship between documents will be displayed in the panel. Note that the connectivity relationships cannot be defined by dragging and dropping schematic documents since the inter-sheet connections and design hierarchy are in fact defined by sheet symbols and port definitions.
The project document sub-folders, whether expanded or closed, share right-click menu commands that allow you to open, close, remove, and refresh documents.
When a community component is being edited in the Projects panel, it will be listed under the My Personal Space entry. Right-click on the component to access the following options.
Projects are listed in the Projects panel the My Personal Space entry with the next to it.
A project shared with a CircuitMaker user is accessed from the Shared With Me location option in the Open Project dialog. Such a project can be saved and committed back if editing rights have been granted for it. To open the project the Web Viewer, select the Show in Web Browser option from the project entry's right-click context menu in the Projects panel.
In the panel's main tree, the active project is highlighted using the Windows Active Title Bar color for your system. When there are no documents open in the design space, a project is made active by selecting it from a list of all currently open (loaded) projects in the panel. As soon as a project document is opened (in an editor/viewer), the parent project of that document automatically becomes the active project.
The active document in the design space will also be highlighted in the panel and accompanied by the file open icon as shown below.
With no project documents open in the design space, opening an additional project will automatically make it the active project in the panel.
With numerous documents open in the design space, changing the active document using the editor's document tabs will cause the Projects panel to update accordingly to reflect both the active document and the active project (if the document made active does not reside in the same project as the previously active document). Conversely, clicking on the entry for a document that is already open (and which belongs to a non-active project) will make the parent project of that document the active project.
Only one project and document may be active at any given time, however, the panel allows you to focus and perform actions on any project or document. Right-clicking on the entry for a non-active project or a non-active document will bring up an associated menu with commands targeting the focused project or focused document. See the Right-click Menus section below.
In the case of focusing a document, the document will only become focused if it is closed, otherwise, it will become the active document and its parent project will become the active project. For example, in the image below the active project is GSM Logger.PrjPcb, the active document is [7] MG323-B.SchDoc
and the focused document is [4] 2x16 LCD Module.SchDoc
(distinguished in the panel by a blue outline box).
When a file that belongs to a project has been modified and saved locally, you can save that file to the Personal Space from the Projects panel. Save the selected files by right-clicking on a project and selecting Save to Server or by selecting the Save to Server link next to the project file (.PrjPcb
Clicking the link and selecting the command opens the Save to Server dialog in which you can select the documents to be saved. After clicking OK, the documents are saved to the Personal Space and the Save to Server link disappears from the Projects panel.
Document entries in the panel are accompanied by document icons that indicate their open/modified status. This provides a quick visual summary of which documents are modified or saved.
The document icons and meanings are listed below.
[blank] | The document is closed. |
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Open – The document is open as a tabbed document in the design editor window. |
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Open/Modified – The document is open and has been modified but has not been saved. |
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No modification | The local copy of the file matches the file in the Personal Space and is up to date. |
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Scheduled for Addition | A file has been added to version control but not yet saved to the Personal Space. |
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Modified | The local copy of the file has been modified and saved to the local cache. |
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Out of date | The local copy of the file (in the local cache) is older than its counterpart in the Personal Space and is therefore out of date. Use the Update Project command to retrieve the latest file from the Personal Space. |
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Modified and locked by someone else (a conflict) | The same file has been saved to the Personal Space by someone else before your attempt to save your modified version of this file to the Personal Space. |
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Scheduled for Deletion | The file has been locally deleted from the project, and will be removed from the Personal Space during the project save to the Personal Space process. * Only appears in the Save to Server dialog. |
See the sections below for more information on version control functionality and how different project file situations are reflected in the Projects panel.
The essential concept to keep in mind when working with CircuitMaker is how the centralized version control system continuously monitors the relative difference between the local cached project files and their counterparts in the Personal Space.
In response to information exchanged with the version control system, CircuitMaker will take appropriate action and change its available options based on these differences. From a practical user’s perspective, this manifests itself in CircuitMaker through a range of alerts and Projects panel file icons, and changes in the available file management commands.
The Projects panel showing a schematic that has been modified and a schematic that has been newly added to the project.
The version control functionality and its responses can be summarized through the following project file situations.
A project is opened:
Not modified
– the A project is re-opened:
Not modified
– the Modified
– the Out of date
– the A file is edited and saved:
– the A new file is added to the project:
Scheduled for addition
– the A project is saved to Personal Space:
Not modified
– the When multiple CircuitMaker designers are working on a single project in collaboration, the interaction between each user's version of the project and its source version in the Personal Space becomes a little more complex. Fortunately, the automated version control and its relationship with CircuitMaker makes these potentially calamitous design interactions run smoothly, without the need for manual intervention.
When working collaboratively with other CircuitMaker designers, the version control functionality and its responses can be summarized through the following project file situations, in addition to the ones outlined above:
Another user has updated the project:
Out of date
– the Keep working copy version
), or adopting the version in the Personal Space (Keep revision version
) – choose the appropriate option from the dialog’s User Action drop-down menu, or select the option from the Apply for all menu so that it applies to all file entries.
When your local version of the project is older than the version in the Personal Space, it can be updated to match using the Merge project dialog.
Another user has edited, but not saved to the Personal Space, the project:
Modified and locked by someone else
– the Out of date
– the
Here, the local view shows that the schematic has been edited and saved by another CircuitMaker user, but the user has not yet saved it to the Personal Space.
Modified and locked by someone else
– Modified and locked
status for the other user – they will also see the Right-clicking on a project file in the panel provides access to additional options and commands. The commands available and required are dependent upon the child documents that have been added to the project.
Right-click selections include:
Revert Project – opens the Revert project dialog with which you can revert the current project document back to a selected revision. Select a revision in the Revision list at the top of the dialog. The list of modified files for the selected revision will be shown in the Modified file list at the bottom of the dialog.
Close Project – closes the project and any active project documents. If the project contains a document that has been modified but not saved locally, you will receive a prompt to save it. If the project contains at least two documents that have been modified, the Confirm Save Locally for Modified Documents dialog will open. Use the drop-down in the Decision column to choose specific documents to save or use the Save All / Save None buttons at the bottom-left of the dialog to select an action for all listed documents.
Right-clicking on a document file in the panel provides access to additional options and commands.
Right-click selections include:
Revert – opens the Revert project dialog with which you can revert the current project document back to a selected revision. Select a revision in the Revision list.
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