The Altium Designer Installer accepts a limited number of command line parameters which (for example) could be used to allow the initiation of a silent install: AltiumDesignerXXSetup.exe -Programs:"C:\Program Files\Altium\ADXX" -Documents:"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Altium\ADXX" -UI:None -AutoInstall -InstallAll -User:"firstname.surname@domain.part.region" -Password:"password" Notes: XX represents the version number -Programs:{specify the installation path} -Documents:{specify the target installation path for the examples} -UI:{Full | Simple | None} (Full - the full/standard wizard interface; Simple - the GUI which is seen when doing an update from Altium Designer; None - without GUI) -AutoInstall (everything should be installed without further requests/dialogs) -InstallAll (tells the installer to install all Modules, e.g. including Importers\Exporters, without this parameter the standard modules will be installed) -User:{AltiumLive User Name} (necessary if using the Web Installer, not necessary if using the Offline Installer) -Password:{AltiumLive password} (necessary if using the Web Installer, not necessary if using the Offline Installer) -Uninstall