Created: March 25, 2021 | Updated: August 12, 2021
Can't delete empty folder from managed content server
Solution Details
If you see this when trying to delete a folder from the Explorer panel: There may be a system folder in the project folder. Try enabling the option to Show system folders. Go to Preferences ► System ► General ► Advanced button then search for Explorer.ShowSystemFolders to Enable the Value checkbox.
In older versions the dialog is accessed from Preferences ► Data Management ► Servers then clicking Properties to the right of your server (in the server section under Active) then selecting Connection from the drop-down menu.
Another thing to check for is if there are folders that are hidden due to permissions. Try signing in as Administrator. Edit the Components folder permissions to make it is writable and make sure the roles/users are added with the 'Can Edit' checkbox enabled. Ensure to check the box at the bottom, 'Apply to Children'. While signed in as administrator, also verify if any subfolders exist. Signing into the server from the Altium client as an Administrator may help to display folders that were hidden in the Explorer panel. The browser interface of the Server includes an option 'Allow placed components to be deleted from Vault' that may also help to delete content cart folders if you have them.